At the DPG Bad Honnef Physics School Applied Photonics 2021 poster awards have been presented to the most accomplished poster presentations.
Thanks to all contributing authors displaying their posters! All poster presentations did indeed rank particularly high in quality, i.e. judgement sometimes got within two decimals on the ranking scale.
Prizes were awarded by a jury of renowned experts for the poster’s design, contribution to the field, clarity of the presentation – both of the poster and also when talking to the presenter – and their scientific content.
In addition to the jury, the audience also awarded prizes to the posters and presentations that they consider to be the best. The poster committee’s and the student`s votes were pretty much in agreement in their evaluation!
Nina Kneip received the best student poster award regarding to the jury’s evaluation while the poster award from the students’ evaluation was given to Amelie Schulte.
In 2021 additional awards from the jury’s ranking were handed to Pavel Terekhin and Christian Goerke. The further students’ awards were presented to Laura Fütterer and Yannik Hein.
The awards have been noted in the program and were presented with a signed certificate. The awardees received prizes provided by Dr. Ludwin Monz, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG. Thank you to Dr. Ludwin Monz and ZEISS for the generous gift to make the award possible.
Out of all posters at display, these received the best poster award by the jury’s and popular vote. The pictures show Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Head of the Applied Photonics School, handing over the awards to the students.
Meet the winners!
Lecturers’ Award

Nina Kneip: Laser spectroscopy and ultra-trace analysis on lighter actinides from Uranium to Curium

Pavel Terekhin: Evidence of plasmonic nature of self-arranged surface nanostructuring after single femtosecond laser pulse irradiation

Christian Goerke: Multi-dimensional imaging of anisotropic particles in flow increases cell counting accuracy
Students’ Award

Amelie Schulte: Broadband continuum generation and field sampling metrology techniques

Laura Fütterer: Viscoelastic deformation of glass substrates by laser patterned stressed films

Yannik Hein: Traceable quantification of antibodies using flow cytometry

Prepare for the Poster Awards
In general, posters are a key component of communicating your research and an important element in a successful scientific paper. Poster presentations give the participants the chance to ask and explain fields of their research to small(er) groups and thus yield high-quality information due to closer interaction between each other.
In order to participate in the DPG Summer School “Applied Photonics Poster Award”, each participant is asked to prepare a (scientific) poster presentation of their field of research and/or interest or even contain information about past internships. Applications with posters are favoured and are prioritized. You can however also join the “Applied Photonics Physics School” without a poster.
Students may select their own template to use. Please note that a proper template for a poster has to be used. A PowerPoint presentation cut & pasted on a poster – is unacceptable. Students are encouraged to search for and utilize different types of templates.
They are to be printed independently on a 70cmx100cm size sheet.
Posters must contain the following items:
- Name of company / university & logos
- Location of internship / scientific work
- Name of student
- Semester(s) or years worked at the internship or scientific work
- Short description of the work/ research field
- Abstract
- 1-2 examples od significant project(s) or work accomplished
- Title(s)
- Short summary
- Use visualized Data (Photographs, Data, Graphics)
- Share your experience
- Skills gained
- Lessons learned
- Challenges and how you overcome them
- Does or did your experience influence your goals?
Poster specifications
Tips for creating a poster presentation:
- Attention! You have to have the permission of your internship workplace and/or university before presenting a project or research in order to not violate any license agreements or otherwise lawfully binding contracts!
- Keep the target audience in mind. Many of these posters will be seen (and rated) by professionals.
- Be clear and precise in both content as well as presentation.
- Your poster has to draw attention, but do not use too many flashy graphics or effects – the content, clarity, and readability are important!
- Remember to check your grammar and spelling.
- Be concise in your writing and use illustrations.
- Mind the given poster dimensions. If the submitted poster is too small, it will be expanded during the printing process, which will likely blur everything.